Lung Cancer Types

What You Need to Know

  • 最常见的肺癌类型包括肺结节, non-small cell lung cancer, 小细胞肺癌和间皮瘤.
  • 罕见的肺癌通常不是起源于肺部.
  • Rare lung cancers vary according to size, recommended treatment options and rate of metastasis.

最常见的肺癌类型是在肺部发现的肺癌. 其他罕见类型的癌症也可能发生在肺和胸壁.

Lung Nodules

肺结节是小块组织. They may be benign, precancerous or metastatic tumors that have spread from other parts of the body. 一般来说,较大的结节比较小的结节更容易癌变.

肺结节通常是在对患者进行不相关症状检测时发现的, such as abdominal pain or an injury.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

非小细胞肺癌是最常见的肺癌类型. 它的生长和扩散比小细胞肺癌要慢. The three main kinds of non-small cell lung cancer are named for the type of cells in the tumor:

  • Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer in the United States and usually begins along the outer sections of the lungs. 它也是在从不吸烟的人群中最常见的肺癌类型.

  • 大细胞癌是一组具有大而异常细胞的癌症. 这些肿瘤可能开始于肺部的任何地方,并倾向于快速生长.

  • 鳞状细胞癌又称表皮样癌. 它通常始于靠近肺中央的支气管.

对于没有扩散到肺外的非小细胞肺癌, surgery is used to remove the cancer. Surgery may also be used in combination with radiation therapy and chemotherapy in cancers that are more advanced. These treatments can also be given prior to surgery to shrink tumors and prevent the spread of cancer cells through the blood stream. This is called neoadjuvant therapy.

Small Cell Lung Cancer

几乎所有的小细胞肺癌病例都是由吸烟引起的. It is a fast-growing cancer that spreads much more quickly than other types of lung cancer. 小细胞肺癌有两种不同类型:

  • Small cell carcinoma (oat cell cancer; most small cell lung cancers are of the oat cell type)

  • Combined small cell carcinoma

Surgery is most commonly used in non-small cell lung cancers and less frequently in small cell lung cancer, 哪种会更快地扩散到身体的其他部位. 化疗是小细胞肺癌最常用的治疗方法, as these medicines circulate throughout the body killing lung cancer cells that may have spread outside of the lung. Radiation therapy is frequently used in combination with chemotherapy when the tumor is confined to the lung and other areas inside of the chest. Radiation therapy may also be used to prevent or treat the development of small cell lung cancer that has spread to the brain (metastasis). In radiation therapy, precisely targeted X-rays are used to destroy localized cancer cells. 放射治疗可用于预防手术后肿瘤复发, to treat tumors in patients who are not candidates for surgery or to treat tumors causing symptoms in other parts of the body.


Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the chest lining, most often caused by asbestos exposure. 它约占所有肺癌病例的5%. 间皮瘤的形成需要很长时间, 从接触石棉到患癌症之间有30到50年的间隔.

Most people who develop mesothelioma worked in places where they inhaled asbestos particles.

一旦确诊间皮瘤, it is staged, which tells the patient and doctors how large the tumor is and where is has progressed beyond the initial site.

化疗、放疗和手术都是间皮瘤治疗的一部分. Combined approaches that utilize these therapies together — particularly using chemotherapy prior to surgery, as well as new drugs that specifically target mesothelioma cells — are currently being tested.

约翰霍普金斯大学的肺癌专家使用手术, radiation, 化疗或三种疗法来治疗间皮瘤.

Chest Wall Tumors

Chest wall tumors are rare. 像其他癌症一样,在胸壁发现的肿瘤可能是恶性的,也可能是良性的. Malignant tumors must be treated. Benign tumors will be treated depending on where they are located and the symptoms they cause. 如果肿瘤压迫到肺部推荐十大正规网赌平台无法呼吸, for example, then it must be treated.

Types of Chest Wall Tumors

Tumors found in the chest wall are also categorized by whether they are primary tumors (starting in the chest wall) or metastatic tumors (spread to the chest wall from cancer that started elsewhere, such as in the breast). All metastatic tumors are malignant. In children, most chest wall tumors are primary, while they are more often metastatic in adults. 原发性肿瘤起源于胸壁的骨骼或肌肉.

肉瘤——起源于骨骼或肌肉组织的肿瘤, or more rarely in other types of tissue — are the most common type of primary tumor found in the chest wall.

Metastasized Cancer

Some cancers in the lung are the result of pulmonary metastasis — cancer that began in another part of the body and spread to the lung through the lymphatic system or bloodstream. 几乎所有的癌症都能转移到肺部. 一些经常扩散到肺部的癌症有:


Rare Cancer Types

Carcinoid Tumors

类癌肿瘤是罕见的癌症,最常出现在胃或肠. 然而,它们有时从肺部开始. 类癌可分为典型和非典型两类.

  • 典型的类癌生长缓慢,通常不会扩散到肺部以外. 十分之九的肺类癌是典型的类癌.

  • Atypical carcinoids grow faster and are slightly more likely to spread outside the lungs.


  • 中央类癌形成于支气管, 靠近肺中心的大气道有哪些. 大多数肺类癌都是从那里开始的. 这些类癌几乎都是典型的类癌.

  • Peripheral carcinoids develop in the smaller airways on the edges of the lungs and they too are almost always typical carcinoids.

肺类癌最常通过手术治疗. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be used as adjunct therapies or if surgery is not possible.

Mediastinal Tumors

纵隔肿瘤是发生在纵隔的罕见肿瘤, 胸廓:胸腔中分隔两肺的区域. 它被前面的胸骨和后面的脊柱所包围.

They can be benign or cancerous, 胸腔内的由存在或通过胸腔的任何组织形成的. Most mediastinal tumors in children are benign while many mediastinal tumors in adults are cancerous. Because they are located in the chest cavity where the heart and major arteries are or near the spinal cord in back, 良性和恶性肿瘤都必须治疗.


Germ cell tumors: 这些癌症是可以治愈的. They develop from reproductive cells and are more often found in the reproductive systems of both men and women. When found outside the reproductive system, they may also be called extragonadal germ cell tumors. How these cells move from the reproductive system to the mediastinum is not currently known.

Lymphomas: These malignant tumors start in the lymphatic system and include Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. 淋巴系统是一个复杂的毛细血管网络, thin vessels, valves, ducts, nodes and organs that helps to protect and maintain the fluid environment of the body by filtering and draining lymph. 在极少数情况下,淋巴瘤可起源于肺部.

Teratomas: These malignant tumors are made of cysts that contain one or more layers of embryonic cells. 这些层被称为外胚层、中胚层和内胚层. 畸胎瘤是一种罕见的癌症,最常见于二三十岁的年轻男性. 肿瘤最常位于胸部. 当癌症被诊断出来时,它们通常已经扩散了. 许多其他癌症通常与这些肿瘤有关,包括:

  • Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)

  • Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS)

  • Malignant histiocytosis

  • Myelodysplasia (MDS)

  • 小细胞未分化癌

Thymomas: Thymomas and thymic carcinoma are rare cancers in which cancerous cells form on the outside of the thymus, 胸腔上部的一个小器官,产生白细胞. 胸腺瘤很少是恶性的,生长缓慢,通常不会扩散到胸腺以外. Thymoma is linked with myasthenia gravis and other autoimmune diseases (diseases that cause the immune system to attack healthy cells and tissue).

Thymic carcinomas grow more quickly and have usually spread by the time the cancer is diagnosed. 患有胸腺瘤的人通常也患有自身免疫性疾病.

Lung Cancer Screening | Q&A

Lonny Yarmus, 肺及危重症医学部临床主任, 简要介绍肺癌筛查, 包括可能的候选人,以及筛查是否由保险赔偿.

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