A woman in a gynecology office
A woman in a gynecology office
A woman in a gynecology office

7 Things You Should Always Discuss with Your Gynecologist

When it comes to sexual and reproductive health, 很难知道什么是“正常”,什么是潜在健康问题的征兆. Even if you feel embarrassed about certain issues, 你的妇科医生已经看到和听到了这一切,并在那里帮助你, not to pass judgment.


  1. Painful Periods

    For many women, getting your period is an unpleasant time. 抽筋、乳房疼痛和头痛只是月经最常见的症状中的几个. 但对一些女性来说,经期疼痛不仅仅是痉挛,而且可能非常严重. 如果你的月经非常痛苦,或者随着时间的推移变得更糟,这可能是一种征兆 endometriosis or uterine fibroids. 如果你正在经历月经症状,影响你完成日常任务的能力, it is important to speak with your medical provider. 有几种方法可以帮助减轻这些症状的严重程度或使其更易控制.

  2. Vaginal Odor

    While vaginal odor can be an uncomfortable topic, 如果有臭味或鱼腥味,一定要告诉你的医生, 或者如果你的正常气味发生了变化,这种变化似乎持续了几天. While having an odor is normal, 任何变化或恶臭可能是细菌过度生长或阴道感染的迹象.

  3. Swelling Bumps or Growths "Down There"

    注意到阴道或阴唇周围的生长似乎令人担忧. 是内生毛发、粉刺、刮伤还是其他更严重的问题? Bumps are often benign, 但是当你有感觉时,让你的医生进行检查是很重要的. Genital warts may be visible for some time, but herpes lesions can heal over seven to 14 days, 因此在疫情发生时被发现是很重要的.

  4. Sexual Discomfort

    和你的医生谈谈性不适是非常重要的. You may be uncomfortable bringing it up, 但你的妇科医生可以帮助解释和治疗你的担忧.

    Vaginal dryness: Many women experience vaginal dryness during intercourse. 干燥通常取决于女性的年龄和生活中的缓解因素. 如果一个年轻的女性有这个问题,并且长期采取避孕措施, there may not be enough estrogen present, and she may need to change her birth control. For a busy mom, 她可能没有花足够的时间来进行前戏和性唤起, leading to dryness. If a woman is postmenopausal and has dryness, it can be due to low estrogen, and her gynecologist can prescribe vaginal estrogen.

    Pain during sex: If you're experiencing pain during sex, 尝试不同的姿势,找到一个你觉得舒服的姿势. 如果你在任何姿势性交时都感到疼痛, 润滑剂对阴道干燥或性交后出血没有帮助, you should speak with your provider for advice.

  5. Sexual History

    女性经常担心,如果她们问自己有过多少次伴侣,妇科医生会对她们评头论足, how old they were when they first had intercourse, if they've had any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or about sexual orientation and gender identity. These topics arise for several important reasons:

    To determine risk factors for cervical dysplasia and HPV infection. 在18岁之前发生性行为有时会使你更容易感染HPV,因为在你年轻的时候,宫颈阴道交界处更明显. 拥有更多的伴侣也可以增加曝光的可能性.

    To discuss potential ramifications of past STDs. Some STDs can increase the risk for infertility,如果出现这种情况,医生可能需要提供适当的咨询. For certain STDs like herpes, that are a lifelong condition, 如果您将来遇到爆发或其他相关症状,您的提供者可以为您提供咨询.

    确保推荐十大正规网赌平台得到最好的治疗. 尽管LGBT群体是多种多样的,但研究表明,他们之间存在一定的健康问题 lesbian and bisexual women and trans men 这对LGBT个人和医疗服务提供者来说是很重要的. 了解更多关于在哪里可以找到知识渊博,支持和富有同情心的提供者.

  6. Urinary or Fecal Leakage

    Experiencing urinary or fecal 尿失禁会给你带来很大的压力,影响你的生活质量. 许多妇女在分娩后会出现这些症状, 特别是如果他们有一个大婴儿或阴道分娩需要产钳或真空. When women enter menopause, these symptoms may worsen. Depending on the nature of the incontinence, 可能有药物或手术治疗的选择. By talking with your gynecologist, 她或他可以确定适当的治疗方案,并将你推荐给 pelvic floor disorder specialist if necessary.

  7. Low Libido

    而性欲低下比许多女性意识到的要普遍得多, 和你的妇科医生谈谈找出你担心的原因是很重要的. Libido can sometimes be affected by medications you take, 也可能是潜在疾病的征兆或已知疾病的副作用. 在这些情况下,你的妇科医生可以决定什么医疗干预可能是必要的.

    For other women, though, 他们的低性欲有时可能与女性性欲的本质有关, 你对性或亲密关系的渴望可能会受到你无法控制的事情的影响, like stress or work. 与恋爱初期相比,处于长期恋爱关系中的女性也不太可能自发唤起性欲.

    In these circumstances, 你的妇科医生可以提出建议,帮助你自然地提高你的性欲和/或把你介绍给合适的咨询师. 更频繁的性交可能会增加你想做爱的频率,因为性交过程中会释放内啡肽, making you feel more intimate toward your partner.

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