Pseudotumor Cerebri

What You Need to Know

  • Pseudotumor cerebri (PTC), also known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension, 是脑内脑脊液压力升高引起的问题吗.
  • 因为这种情况会导致头部压力升高的症状,这种症状也会出现在大型脑瘤中,但扫描结果正常, the condition has been called pseudotumor cerebri, meaning “false brain tumor”.
  • 假性脑瘤的症状包括头痛和视力模糊,这些症状会随着时间的推移而增加.
  • 假性脑瘤的及时诊断和治疗非常重要,因为它可能导致进行性(甚至可能是永久性)视力丧失.

What Is Pseudotumor Cerebri?

包裹在脊髓和大脑周围的液体称为脑脊液或CSF. 脑脊液为大脑和脊髓提供营养,清除杂质,同时保护和缓冲这些脆弱的结构.

正常情况下,经循环后,脑脊液通过血管被重新吸收到体内. But if too much fluid is produced or not enough is re-absorbed, the CSF can build up and cause pressure within the skull, which is an enclosed space.

This pressure can cause symptoms similar to those of a brain tumor, including worsening headache and vision problems. 未经治疗的假性脑瘤可导致永久性问题,如视力丧失.

Pseudotumor Cerebri Symptoms

The most common are headaches and blurred vision. Other symptoms may include:

  • Vision changes (like double vision) or vision loss

  • Dizziness, nausea and/or vomiting

  • Neck stiffness

  • Persistent ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

  • Forgetfulness and/or depression

Since exertion can increase pressure inside the skull, symptoms can become worse with exercise or physical activity.

假性脑瘤的症状可能与许多其他医学问题相似. Always consult an experienced specialist for a diagnosis.

Pseudotumor Cerebri Headache

与这种疾病相关的头痛可能因人而异. Often, 假性脑瘤性头痛通常发生在头部后部,开始时为钝痛, which tends to be worse at night or first thing in the morning.

Common headaches such as migraine or tension headaches 可与假性脑瘤共存,会使诊断复杂化吗. 医生可能会诊断出这些常见的疾病,直到更详细的检查或进一步的测试显示PTC.

Vision Problems

Vision problems in pseudotumor cerebri evolve slowly over time, 暂时的视觉模糊会从周边视野开始. If the pressure continues to build up, 影响眼球运动的神经也会受到影响,导致复视.

个体甚至可能没有注意到,直到后来的临床过程中,当中央视野受到影响,症状变得持续. At this point there is a growing risk of blindness.

Other Pseudotumor Cerebri Symptoms

假性脑瘤也会引起耳鸣,即搏动性耳鸣, 耳鸣的特点是耳朵里有节奏的急促的声音,与人的心跳相匹配.


Risk Factors for Pseudotumor Cerebri

Although experts don't know why this condition develops, 以下是该疾病患者常见的其他情况:

Female sex女性患假性脑瘤的可能性是男性的九倍. The role of hormones is not understood.

Excess weight体重是可预防的假性脑瘤最重要的危险因素, although thin people can develop the disorder.

Certain medications: Use of lithium, tetracyclines, 某些类固醇和维生素A衍生物可能使人易患假性脑瘤.

Blood vessel irregularities字体有些人天生就有静脉狭窄的问题,而静脉是从大脑中排出血液和脑脊液, resulting in increased pressure.

Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea 一种越来越普遍的睡眠障碍是否与假性脑瘤有关.

Diagnosis of Pseudotumor Cerebri

诊断包括排除其他健康问题,包括实际的 brain tumor. 身体检查和一些测试可以帮助识别假性脑瘤,并排除颅内压力的其他原因. The tests include:

  • Brain imaging such as MRI or CT scans

  • A lumbar puncture (脊髓穿刺)确认血压升高(正常小于25厘米),并从脊柱周围抽取液体样本进行检测,以排除引起血压升高的感染和炎症原因.

  • Exam to test eye function


Because elevated intracranial pressure affects the eyes, 仔细的眼科检查和视野测试对于确定视力丧失的风险至关重要. An eye exam may reveal optic nerve swelling at the back of the eye, an abnormality called papilledema.

Imaging of the Skull


MRI扫描可能是正常的,也可能显示小脑室或扁平的脑垂体, both of which indicate building pressure in the skull. 这些研究也可能显示引流静脉变窄或脊髓液压力异常升高的间接迹象.

Testing Intracranial Pressure

一旦影像学检查排除了任何肿瘤或其他异常, 医生将评估脑脊液的压力以证实诊断. A(脊髓穿刺)有助于确认颅内压升高,也排除了颅内压升高的感染性和炎症性原因.

The fluid drainage can give some individuals immediate, but temporary, relief of their headache and other symptoms, but this response alone, without signs of elevated pressure or eye problems, is not conclusive evidence that pseudotumor cerebri is the problem.

Pseudotumor Cerebri Treatment

治疗取决于是什么原因导致脑积水在颅骨内积聚. The doctor might recommend any combination of the following:

  • Weight loss

  • Limiting fluids or salt in the diet

  • 药物,如利尿剂,可以帮助身体排出多余的液体

  • A spinal tap to remove fluid and reduce pressure

  • 外科手术放置分流器,或特殊的管子,从大脑转移液体并减轻压力

  • Surgery to decompress increased CSF around the optic nerve

  • Placement of a stent in the draining venous sinuses if narrowed, to improve CSF absorption and reduce intracranial pressure.

In addition, 医生可能会建议定期检查,以帮助监测患者的症状,并筛查任何潜在的问题. 随访很重要,因为治疗后症状有可能复发.

Pseudotumor Cerebri | Ashley's Story

After visiting 30+ physicians, 阿什利被诊断出患有一种罕见的假性脑瘤. 她和她的家人求助于约翰霍普金斯大学的专家,他们组成了一个团队来植入支架, 一种治疗这种疾病的新方法,通常是用分流术治疗.

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